A woman whose menses cease due to a certain reason observes `Iddah after it comes back


Q: I am a 24 year old woman. I am divorced and have a two-month-old baby. I am required to wait for three menses to pass according to Shari`ah (Islamic law). Usually I do not have my menses except after the completion of my breast-feeding period i.e., after at least two years. Someone proposed to me and I would like to have a husband but I can not do that because I do not menstruate during this period. I am afraid that the Ma'dhun (the authorized person who concludes the procedures of wedding and divorce) will ask me about the three menses which a woman should have to complete as her `Iddah (woman's prescribed waiting period after divorce or widowhood). I am confused; could you kindly advise me because I will not conclude the matter even after the elapse of the breastfeeding period. Could you answer me soon please?

A: Firstly, if you were divorced before giving birth, it is lawful for you to marry another man because the period of `Iddah ends by giving birth. (Part No. 20; Page No. 430)  Secondly, if you were divorced after giving birth, you have to wait for three menses. If blood ceases because of breast-feeding, you have to wait for the menses to come back then count your `Iddah. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
